National Assistive Technology Awareness Day - April 14, 2021

On April 14, 2021, National Assistive Technology Awareness Day will celebrate and bring attention to the critical role that assistive technology (AT) plays in the lives of people with disabilities. The day will also recognize and commemorate AT specialists and program coordinators for their hard work and dedication to serving individuals with disabilities seeking proper AT to meet their individual needs, along with professional organizations and researchers dedicated to facilitating the access and acquisition of AT for individuals with disabilities and older adults.

Assistive technology, defined in the Assistive Technology Act (P.L. 105-394), is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities and older adults. Assistive technology provides people with disabilities the option to access education and the workplace, to live within their communities, and enjoy recreational activities.

Please contact your Member of Congress and ask that they support funding for assistive technology through supporting the Assistive Technology Act and share with them how AT plays a role in your own life!

Call them today at 202-224-3121!

Click here to download a flyer.