Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. Project START is a program administered by the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services that provides Mississippians with disabilities access to assistive technology through Device Reutilization, Loan, Demonstration and Training. Assistive Technology includes mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, accessibility software, technology for low vision and blindness, and augmentative and alternative communications devices. It also includes the very process used in locating and acquiring these devices.
For many children and adults with disabilities, access to and acquisition of assistive technology can make a tremendous difference in their ability to fully participate in employment, school, and recreational activities, thereby promoting full independence and inclusion into communities and the workplace.
At the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services, we strive to meet the needs of Mississippians with disabilities that we serve in a timely and efficient manner. If you feel you or a family member could benefit from services provided by Project START, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Billy Taylor, Executive Director
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services